Board and Train Cedar Rapids

The Basic Obedience Package
This includes the Off-Leash K9 Training E-Collar which all of our dogs are trained on, a 20 foot leash, and includes all FOUR lessons for $600.00! The e-collar we use has a two-year warranty, it is completely waterproof, and it has a range of 3/4 mile (1200 yards)! This will be brought to your first lesson along with the 20-foot leash! By the end of this package, your dog will be able to be outside, off-leash, with distractions listening on command.



Basic Obedience Curriculum
“Come,” “Sit,” and “Extended Sit.”
“Down” and “Extended Down.”
“Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on aspecific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc)
“Out.” To drop any and all things you ask them to.
“Loose Leash Walking.” They will walk right beside of you on a leash
“Off.” Do not jump on me or anyone else.

**Extended sit, down, and place means your dog will REMAIN in the down, sit, or place position until YOU tell them to “break” (release them).

Basic and Advanced Obedience Package
This package is for those who really want their dog to be rock-stars! This includes 8 lessons for $900.00! The e-collar we use has a two-year warranty, it is completely waterproof, and it has a range of 3/4 mile (1200 yards)! This will be ready at your first lesson along with the 20-foot leash!


Advanced Lessons
Your dog must finish our Basic Obedience Package before we will teach them advanced lessons! We offer numerous advanced lessons! Some are: extended distance obedience (your dog will be sitting/downing on command from 50+ yards away from you), heel command (they come running, go around you and sit down right beside your left leg), watch command (stare at you until you release them), through command (go in between your legs and sit down), stand command (they will assume a standing position on command), front command (they will come running and sit directly in front of you no matter where they are), focused heeling (will stare at you the entire time they heel), touch command (they will run up and stand up against anything you point to), and many more!


2 Week Board and Train Program
This is a very popular program and is usually booked for a few months in advance, so please contact us before paying online or trying to schedule an appointment for this. This is where you drop off your dog, and 2-weeks later you pick up a dog that is flawless outside, off-leash, with distractions! See our youtube channel for numerous board and train before/after videos!


This 2-week program is a program which focuses on practical, everyday obedience that is completed with a high level of precision, outside, off-leash, with distractions! This program provides a little bit of everything, including manners and socialization (dogs and people). All behaviors are taught with high-level distraction proofing. This program offers the following:

Sit and Extended Sit (Dog remains in position until released)
Down and Extended Down
Loose Leash and Off-Leash Walking
Come on command (outside, off-leash, with distractions)
Greeting Manners (not jumping)
Waiting politely at doors and gates (wait when they are opened until you release them)
Waiting politely for meals (wait until they are released)
Training with distractions (dogs and people)
Place and Extended Place (Jump up and sit on any object you point to on command and stay there until released)

The total price of this 2-week intensive package $2800.00!

After completion of the training, owner will be provided with a 2 hour one-on-one session which will detail everything their companion does, how to handle them, and how to properly control them.

Click here to view more than 500 dogs that have completed our Board & Train!

**It is impossible to guarantee fixes of major behavioral issues such as dog aggression/people aggression during the 2-week board and train. We can give you control and better help manage these issues**

Basic and Therapy Package
Is your goal to have your dog become a therapy dog? This specially designed 8-lesson course prepares you and your dog for their therapy dog testing and certification. We have had many of our former clients easily pass their therapy dog certification after our training program.
*** includes 8 – 1 hour lessons, a 15ft training lead line, and your e-collar with a 2 year warranty. $900
***After completion of our therapy dog development course, we can test and certify you and your dog as a Therapy Team through Therapy Pets Unlimited.


Dog Aggression Training Package
Does your dog have issues with dog aggression, dog reactivity, or simply go over the top when it comes to other dogs being around? If so, this is a specially designed program may be the best option for you and your dog. This 8 private lesson program consists of our basic obedience package (4 lessons/5 commands) which will give you a solid foundation of control over your dog. Then, we spend the next 4 lessons working you and your dog around other dogs in different scenarios, commands, and situations. Giving your dog (and you) the skills, tools, obedience, and desensitization that is necessary in order to put you back in control of these situations. This program is not intended for Human Aggressive Dogs.
*** includes 8 – 1 hour lessons, a 15ft training lead line, and your e-collar with a 2 year warranty. $900


***If you have a human aggressive dog please call or email us at [email protected]

Trick Training Packages
Our “tricks” class is designed to be a fun, challenging, and rewarding class for you and your dog. Taylor Loomis will instruct you on your “tricky” journey with behaviors such as: Turn Left, Turn Right, Weave, Over, Under, Bang, Crawl, etc. As you progress, some dogs will be able to learn things like pick up your toys, back, climb, bow, handstands and more. This course is structured so that you will learn how to teach your dog specific tricks! More importantly, you will learn the foundation of how to teach your dog new tricks, how to break down complicated tricks into specific parts, and how to put individual pieces together to complete a trick. Once you understand how to train a trick, the possibilities are endless as to what you can teach your dog. The best part? Trick training will improve your ability to communicate with your dog, will boost your dog’s confidence, and it can also be used to improve focus! Our tricks class is open to anyone interested in training their dog and improving their communication skills with their dog. Whether you have a new puppy or rescue dog and are looking to bond and have fun, or have an older family dog and are looking for a low-impact and unique form of exercise, this class for you. Cost – $400 for 5 Lessons or $700 for 10 Lessons.


***Tip: We recommend you bring your dog’s favorite treats and/or a favorite toy you use with your dog while training.

Tracking / Trailing (People Detection) Training Packages
Looking for a way to continue to build your dogs confidence while engaging in mental stimulation? Have a dog who loves to use their nose outside and sniff out all sorts of wonderful smells? If so our Tracking and Trailing package is perfect for you and your dog! This package is 100% positive and geared towards your dog’s learning style and pace. We first teach your dog how to acquire the ability to follow human scent with short trails ensuring a fun and accurate learning process. As your dog progresses we will teach them scent discrimination, how to ignore environmental factors when on a trail, and how to follow longer and longer trails. Cost – $400 for 5 Lessons or $700 for 10 Lessons.
***Tip: We recommend you bring your dog’s favorite treats and/or a favorite toy you use with your dog while training.
Nosework (Scent Detection) Training Packages
Any dog regardless of age, breed, size or temperament can enjoy and benefit from this activity. Nose work is great for building confidence in a shy dog, giving an active dog an appropriate and challenging outlet for its energy or helping a reactive dog overcome its environmental sensitivity. Cost – $300 for 5 Lessons or $600 for 10 Lessons.
*Some dogs may rapidly excel at nose work and do even more advanced searches in the sessions and some dogs may need more sessions to complete the curriculum. Nose Work is all positive and training is conducted at your dog’s learning pace for optimum results and to ensure the dog is conducting thorough and accurate searches.


Canine Good Citizen Evaluation
dog training pricesWe are AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluators. We don’t charge a fee for these evaluations, but we do request a small donation to a designated rescue/shelter at the time of the official evaluation. We can evaluate your dog or help you get your dog ready for this evaluation through training.


Be prepared to practice daily for at least 30 minutes
If you choose to take lessons, lessons will be scheduled a minimum of 1 week apart. Only Einstein E-collars will be used in obedience training. Please see our FAQ for model numbers. Additional lessons are $100.00 each. If you refer a friend to OLK9 Raleigh/Durham, we’ll give you a free Advanced Lesson!


But wait… How do you fix behavioral problems?
 We target the issues you are having while working through the obedience program. In our opinion, behavior cannot be modified without having complete control of your dog. Behavioral modification and obedience go hand in hand. As you are working through your program, we will also be working on the specific issues you may be facing with your dog.


Email us at [email protected] for information on our rescue or military/emergency services discount!

Pay for your desired Training Package below


Questions: (319) 251-2009 / [email protected] 


**Email us at: [email protected]  for more information about our Military/Emergency Services discount, and our Multiple Dog discount!